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Mass Times

Weekend Masses

Saturday Mass  4:30pm

Sunday Mass 7:30am, 9:30am,

11:30am at St John

Weekday Masses

Tuesday 5:15 pm

Wednesday 9:15 am

Thursday  8:00 am


Saturday  3:15 pm

Tuesday 4:30 pm

(or by appointment)

MEET Father chris KemP

Pastor Nativity of our Lord and St John Parishes

Dear Parishioners, 

Good day, from alI of us at St. John and Nativity. We hope and pray this letter finds you healthy as we all continue to feel the many effects from another year in this pandemic. I don’t think there is anyone who could have predicted where we would be now, from a year ago. However, as we think back to last year at this time, I hope it is possible to be thankful for all we have been able to do and accomplish. Please know that all the achievements were made possible because of your continued support to Jesus Christ and his Churches of St. John and Nativity of Our Lord. With even a quick glance over the past year, it truly has been a blessing to watch how things have unfolded even amidst the many struggles. As you are aware, the fallout from having to endure this virus has certainly changed the way in which we have been able to do “church”. This is especially clear to us even now with the new Omicron variant and the way it continues to limit us. May we keep in prayer everyone who continues to suffer and especially those who have lost loved ones and find themselves growing in ways they had not anticipated. 

We would also like to thank you for your patience as we continue to learn how to safely return to a more active parish life. This virus may have caused us to change some of the ways in which we were able to do things, but it has also forced us into finding new ways in providing and funding ministry. As we are learning more about this virus and what we can do, hopefully things will continue to grow. Like our ways of providing outreach to the homebound and care facilities. Please remember to keep all those who provide health care services and service to our community in your prayers. We continue to grow in understanding of how we can safely gather together in groups, and most importantly how we give thanks in celebrating the liturgy. We continue to seek new ways of fundraising for our school and parishes to help fill in for some of the gaps. Along with memorials we are doing well, but of course we still have a distance to go. Thank you once again for your support, and your conscious consideration in supporting our parishes and the CSA.  May God Bless us all as we continue to grow in these unprecedented times in our Lord. 

-Fr Chris


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Our Mission

Our Mission Statement
Our Mission is to be the light of Christ shining in the heart of the community.
Our Vision is to be a Eucharistic-centered community committed to holistic Catholic education,
new evangelization, and loving service to those in need.
Our Values are those of a welcoming, caring and inclusive faith community
rooted in peace and justice.

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